Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade

  • Departments » 6th Grade » Math Period 1 Mr. Palmer's Homeroom » Homework Due. Name John Smith-Dad -6'6' 285lb =metric unit of height= metric unit of weight.
  • Grade 6 Mathematics. This session contains 8 questions. You may use your reference sheet during this session. Use a calculator during this session. Read each question carefully and then answer it as well as you can. You must record. All answers in this Practice Test Booklet.

6th Grade Math 6th Acc/7th Grade Math Skyward. Downloadable Classroom Notes (Newest Unit is listed first).

Math Unit 1mr. MacBack to top
Homework Due
Departments » 6th Grade »Math Period 1 Mr. Palmer's Homeroom » Homework Due
Class Name:Math Period 1 Mr. Palmer's Homeroom
Teachers:Deborah Atkinson, David Palmer
All Homework | Printer Friendly |

4 Green Lights in Reflex Math

Carnegie Learning 30 min a day

Submit your Student Explorer Sheet.

Due:Jan 26 (Tue)
Project Unit Conversion.
Convert the height and weight from US to Metric.
Place the information into a table. with the persons name or title included.
Name John Smith-Dad -6'6' 285lb =metric unit of height= metric unit of weight.

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Graders

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Homework Due
Math unit 1mr. mac
Departments » 6th Grade »Math Period 1 Mr. Palmer's Homeroom » Homework Due

Math Unit 1mr. Mac's 6th Grade Math

Class Name:Math Period 1 Mr. Palmer's Homeroom
Teachers:Deborah Atkinson, David Palmer
All Homework | Printer Friendly |

4 Green Lights in Reflex Math

Carnegie Learning 30 min a day

Submit your Student Explorer Sheet.

Due:Jan 26 (Tue)
Project Unit Conversion.
Convert the height and weight from US to Metric.
Place the information into a table. with the persons name or title included.
Name John Smith-Dad -6'6' 285lb =metric unit of height= metric unit of weight.