What Makes Srs Dmg Higher

The Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) is part of the Singapore government’s multi-pronged strategy to address the financial needs of a greying population. It was established on 1st April 2001 to encourage individuals to save for their retirement by offering tax incentives. One of the latest pattern of Plasma Pistols available to the armed forces of the Imperium of Man is the Mark III 'Sunfury,' but only a handful of Chapters including the Novamarines are capable of manufacturing the new model. On the other side, Chaos Space Marines love to live dangerously by using hydrogen fuel in a higher quantum state.

The DMG App Store is designed for you to manage your daily activities effectively with lots of default applications. MacOS High Sierra v10.13.6 (17G2208) Contacts, calendars, and notes can easily be organized. SRS has high Damage and low Rate of Fire, with a Skill that boosts both her Damage and Accuracy significantly. She can be considered similar to Lee-Enfield in usage and general performance. When placed in position 7, SRS can provide both frontline HGs with cooldown reduction, allowing their buffs to come out slightly sooner.

Bad requirements have been one of the top reasons for most of the projects, which fail and the rate of failure is pretty high in the IT industry. So I thought to highlight key aspects of the software requirements, which make requirements good and worthy.

Here are top 6 characteristics of requirements and SRS document. I have also given examples for each one of them for better understanding. Any good requirement should have these 6 characteristics:

  • Complete
  • Consistent
  • Feasible
  • Modifiable
  • Unambiguous
  • Testable


The requirements must be complete, what is the meaning of completeness?

It means that all the required information to implement (read Code) the requirement. There is no need to assume anything in order to implement the same. One of the important aspects of completeness is to also have measuring units, if applicable.

In case of an error, the system must exit gracefully.

I am sure, many of you must have seen this requirement before. This is an incomplete requirement, it does not provide all the information needed to implement the exit, in case of error. A complete requirement would be as follows:

In case of an error, the system must show an error page to the users with the following message:

Oops! We have encountered some error and working on it. In the while you can go to the home page and try other options or write to us about what were you doing, so that we can help. Our email id is support@abc.com


Consistency is an important aspect of requirements. It means that all inputs to any process, must be processed similarly. It should not happen that processes produce different outputs for inputs coming from different sources. Consistent requirements also mean that you will not find a contradicting information in the SRS document.

Let’s look at these requirements:

Req1: The invoices will be generated and sent automatically based on the milestones achieved with a copy to the accounts department

Req2: The accounts department will generate the invoice based on milestones achieved and will send it to the customer.

The requirements mentioned above are not consistent as they are presenting contradictory information.


This is one of the crucial part of requirements capturing. All the requirements included in the SRS must be feasible to implement. A requirement to be feasible must be:

  • Implementable within the given time frame and budget
  • Implementable using the existing and chosen technology platform
  • A feature, which will be used by the end users

Let’s look at some of the requirements below:

The developed software must be reliable and should not crash.

The developed software must be free of defects.

Both the above requirements are not feasible. There is no software which is free of defects.


Every SRS document must be modifiable. In the modern software projects, requirements are never static and don’t stop coming after the SRS document is signed off. We can’t expect the customers to stop altering the requirements or adding new requirements as we also need to look at business needs.

So the best way to manage the requirements is to manage these changes. In order to do so, we must have an SRS, which clearly identifies each and every requirement in a systematic manner. In case of any changes, the specific requirements and the dependent ones can be modified accordingly without impact the others.


Unambiguous means a single interpretation. If a requirement is defined in such a manner that it can only be interpreted in one way, it means that the requirement is unambiguous. All subjective words or statements must be eliminated from the requirements.

Let’s look at this requirement:

All the screens in the system must load quickly.

Do you think, this statement is clear? Certainly not. Nothing can be understood from the word “quickly”. It must specify clearly what is the meaning of “quickly”. A better version of this requirement would be:

All the screens in the system must load within 8 seconds.


A testable requirement can be defined as a requirement, which can be tested and validated using any of the following methods:

  • Inspection
  • Walkthrough
  • Demonstration
  • Testing

In this manner, it is possible to ensure that the requirement has been implemented correctly.

Let’s take an example and examine if it is testable:

What Makes Srs Dmg Higher Levels


The system must be user-friendly.

If this is allowed to be part of the final SRS document, how will you test it once the software is developed and is ready to be delivered for the UAT. It is not testable. So a better example would be:

The user interface should be menu driven on the top of the website along with site index. A tool tip for all the text boxes must be provided.

Let me know if you feel, there could be any other points.

What Makes Srs Dmg Higher Performance
