Chapter 3: Equations And Inequalitiesmr. Mac's Page

Chapter 0 Preparing for Algebra

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0-1 Plan for Problem Solving

0-2 Real Numbers

0-3 Operations with Integers

0-4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

0-5 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

0-6 The Percent Proportion

0-7 Perimeter

0-8 Area

0-9 Volume

0-10 Surface Area

0-11 Simple Probability and Odds

0-12 Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Quartiles

0-13 Representing Data

Chapter 1 Expressions, Equations, and Functions

1-1 Variables and Expressions

1-2 Order of Operations

1-3 Properties of Numbers

Extend 1-3 Algebra Lab: Accuracy

1-4 The Distributive Property

1-5 Equations

1-6 Relations

1-7 Functions

Extend 1-7 Graphing Technology Lab: Representing Functions

1-8 Interpreting Graphs of Functions

Chapter 2 Linear Equations

2-1 Writing Equations

Explore 2-2 Algebra Lab: Solving Equations

2-2 Solving One-Step Equations

Explore 2-3 Algebra Lab: Solving Multi-Step Equations

2-3 Solving Multi-Step Equations

2-4 Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side

2-5 Solving Equations Involving Absolute Value

2-6 Ratios and Proportions

Extend 2-6 Spreadsheet Lab: Descriptive Modeling

2-7 Percent of Change

Extend 2-7 Algebra Lab: Percentiles

2-8 Literal Equations and Dimensional Analysis

2-9 Weighted Averages

Chapter 3 Linear Functions

Explore 3-1 Algebra Lab: Analyzing Linear Graphs

3-1 Graphing Linear Equations

3-2 Solving Linear Equations by Graphing

Extend 3-2 Graphing Technology Lab: Graphing Linear Equations

Explore 3-3 Algebra Lab: Rate of Change of a Linear Function

3-3 Rate of Change and Slope

3-4 Direct Variation

3-5 Arithmetic Sequences as Linear Functions

Extend 3-5 Algebra Lab: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

3-6 Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships

Chapter 4 Equations of Linear Functions

Explore 4-1 Graphing Technology Lab: Investigating Slope-Intercept Form

4-1 Graphing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

Extend 4-1 Graphing Technology Lab: The Family of Linear Graphs

4-2 Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form

4-3 Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form

4-4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

4-5 Scatter Plots and Lines of Fit

Extend 4-5 Algebra Lab: Correlation and Causation

4-6 Regression and Median-Fit Lines

4-7 Inverse Linear Functions

Extend 4-7 Algebra Lab: Drawing Inverses

Chapter 5 Linear Inequalities

5-1 Solving Inequalities by Addition and Subtraction

Explore 5-2 Algebra Lab: Solving Inequalities

5-2 Solving Inequalities by Multiplication and Division

5-3 Solving Multi-Step Inequalities

Explore 5-4 Algebra Lab: Reading Compound Statements

5-4 Solving Compound Inequalities

5-5 Inequalities Involving Absolute Value

5-6 Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables

Extend 5-6 Graphing Technology Lab: Graphing Inequalities

Chapter 6 Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

6-1 Graphing Systems of Equations

Extend 6-1 Graphing Technology Lab: Systems of Equations

6-2 Substitution

6-3 Elimination Using Addition and Subtraction

6-4 Elimination Using Multiplication

6-5 Applying Systems of Linear Equations

Extend 6-5 Algebra Lab: Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations

6-6 Systems of Inequalities

Extend 6-6 Graphing Technology Lab: Systems of Inequalities

Chapter 7 Exponents and Exponential Functions

7-1 Multiplication Properties of Exponents

7-2 Division Properties of Exponents

7-3 Rational Exponents

7-4 Scientific Notation

Explore 7-5 Graphing Technology Lab: Family of Exponential Functions

7-5 Exponential Functions

Extend 7-5 Graphing Technology Lab: Solving Exponential Equations and Inequalities

7-6 Growth and Decay

Extend 7-6 Algebra Lab: Analyzing Exponential Equations

7-7 Geometric Sequences as Exponential Functions

Extend 7-7 Algebra Lab: Average Rate of Change of Exponential Functions

7-8 Recursive Formulas

Chapter 8 Quadratic Expressions and Equations

Explore 8-1 Algebra Lab: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

8-1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

8-2 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

Explore 8-3 Algebra Lab: Multiplying Polynomials

8-3 Multiplying Polynomials

8-4 Special Products

Explore 8-5 Algebra Lab: Factoring Using the Distributive Property

8-5 Using the Distributive Property

Explore 8-6 Algebra Lab: Factoring Trinomials

8-6 Solving x2 + bx + c = 0

8-7 Solving ax2 + bx + c = 0

8-8 Differences of Squares

Chapter 3: equations and inequalitiesmr. mac

8-9 Perfect Squares

Chapter 9 Quadratic Functions and Equations

9-1 Graphing Quadratic Functions

Extend 9-1 Graphing Technology Lab: Rate of Change of a Quadratic Function

9-2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing

Extend 9-2 Graphing Technology Lab: Quadratic Inequalities

Explore 9-3 Graphing Technology Lab: Family of Quadratic Functions

9-3 Transformations of Quadratic Functions

Extend 9-3 Graphing Technology Lab: Systems of Linear and Quadratic Equations

9-4 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

Extend 9-4 Algebra Lab: Finding the Maximum or Minimum Value

9-5 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula

9-6 Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences and Ratios

Extend 9-6 Graphing Technology Lab: Curve Fitting

9-7 Special Functions

Extend 9-7 Graphing Technology Lab: Piecewise-Linear Functions

Chapter 10 Radical Functions and Geometry

Explore 10-1 Algebra Lab: Inverse Functions

10-1 Square Root Functions

Extend 10-1 Graphing Technology Lab: Graphing Square Root Functions

10-2 Simplifying Radical Expressions

Extend 10-2 Algebra Lab: Rational and Irrational Numbers

10-3 Operations with Radical Expressions

Extend 10-3 Algebra Lab: Simplifying nth Root Expressions

10-4 Radical Equations

10-5 The Pythagorean Theorem

Extend 10-5 Algebra Lab: Distance on the Coordinate Plane

Explore 10-6 Algebra Lab: Trigonometric Ratios

10-6 Trigonometric Ratios

Chapter 11 Rational Functions and Equations

Explore 11-1 Graphing Technology Lab: Inverse Variation

11-1 Inverse Variation

Explore 11-2 Graphing Technology Lab: Family of Rational Functions

Chapter 3: Equations And Inequalitiesmr. Mac's Page Sheet

11-2 Rational Functions

11-3 Simplifying Rational Expressions

Extend 11-3 Graphing Technology Lab: Simplifying Rational Expressions

11-4 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

11-5 Dividing Polynomials

11-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

11-7 Mixed Expressions and Complex Fractions

11-8 Rational Equations and Functions

Extend 11-8 Graphing Technology Lab: Solving Rational Equations

Chapter 12 Statistics and Probability

12-1 Samples and Studies

Extend 12-1 Algebra Lab: Evaluating Published Data

Chapter 3: Equations And Inequalitiesmr. Mac's Page Number

12-2 Statistics and Parameters

12-3 Distributions of Data

12-4 Comparing Sets of Data

12-5 Simulations

12-6 Permutations and Combinations

12-7 Probability of Compound Events

Extend 12-7 Algebra Lab: Two-Way Frequency Tables

12-8 Probability Distributions

Extend 12-8 Graphing Technology Lab: The Normal Curve

The Home Study Companion: Algebra 1 lessons, now distributed by digital download, are based on Paul A. Foerster’s Algebra 1: Expressions, Equations, and Applications. This textbook is available as part of Pearson’s Prentice Hall’s Classics series, or in older editions through various used book sources. The text is a true classic!

The image above illustrates linear equations, one of the topics covered in Algebra 1.

Paul A. Foerster has taught mathematics at Alamo Heights High School in San Antonio, Texas since 1961. In that same year he received his teaching certificate from Texas A&M University. His B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering and M.A. degree in Mathematics are from the University of Texas. Among many honors, he was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching in 1983. He brings to his teaching and textbook writing the insights from his engineering background. His textbooks contain some of the best collections of real-world applications to be found in any algebra textbook.

Anyone studying mathematics at home (whether homeschoolers or adults seeking to brush up or extend their mathematics skills) will recognize early on that they miss the guidance and personal touch of an experienced teacher. Each lesson brings with it new techniques, new insights, and new ways of thinking. A great textbook is a wonderful resource, but a good teacher can model the thought processes and help “lift the material off the page.”

The lessons in this course are based on “screen-capture video” technology. To the user they appear as “whiteboard lectures” (see screenshot below). They provide the missing “classroom presentation” part of the course for anyone studying mathematics at home.

You will need to separately purchase a copy of Foerster’s Algebra I: Expressions, Equations, and Applications.

ISBN10: 0131657089 / ISBN13: 9780131657083

The lessons are based on the Prentice Hall Classics version, but there are only minor differences between this and earlier versions. (The 1999 Addison Wesley edition is essentially identical to the Pearson-Prentice Hall edition, except for the cover.)

There is a second video for each section showing worked-out solutions for the suggested assignment list, about half of the problems in the text, usually all of the even problems. The video solutions can be used to check the work and to help get over any hurdles in solving the problems. If more problems are desired for extra practice, the odd problems have answers in the back of the book.

Chapter 3: Equations And Inequalitiesmr. Mac's Page Pdf

A solution manual is available from Pearson-Prentice Hall (also from, but you will probably not need the solution manual for this course since a video solution guide for the assigned problems is included. (The printed solution manual has worked-out solutions to all problems in the text.) Texts may be obtained directly from Pearson-Prentice Hall, through their Oasis program,, and through various new and used textbook sources such as, Valore Books, etc.

Here are some more video samples from the course:
Chapter 2-1, Chapter 3-1 , Chapter 4-6, Chapter 7-9

Chapter 3: Equations And Inequalitiesmr. Mac's Page Key


Teaching Tips

A number of parents have asked how to pace of the class over the course of a school year. In a home schooling environment the schedule can, and probably should, be more flexible than in a standard classroom. The ultimate basis for setting the pace is the level of understanding of the student. Keep in mind that some schools offer Algebra 1 as either a 1-year or a 2-year course, depending on the ability and readiness of the student. Mathematics textbooks are generally structured on the assumption of covering one section per day, with extra days for testing, review, and re-teaching of the more difficult topics. If you cover it over two years you could, of course, double the time spent per section, but you might find some sections go quickly, and more time could be allocated for review. The table below should help.

If you typically cover 1 section per day you would have 58 extra days in a 185 day school year. I would recommend spending 2-3 days for the final word-problem section of each chapter. If you use 3 days for each of those sections, you would still have 30 extra days to distribute as needed without eating into weekends or the typical holidays. (Recommended assignment list. Each problem set typically represents one day’s work. Use this as a guideline only.)

I highly recommend that parents be closely involved with the students’ progress. The surest way to get behind is to allow the student to “slip through” the material without demonstrating that they understand it thoroughly. When this happens early in the course, you will find them unprepared for the work later in the course or in later courses. If they display difficulty in basic arithmetic along the way, set aside a block of time for arithmetic review.

For testing, you could pick a selection of easier and harder problems from each section of the chapter. (See my essay on assessment and grading published in Homeschool Magazine.) The student should keep a notebook for all homework and you should always insist that all the work be shown on the same page as the answers. If your students say they can do the problems in their head, ask them to show you on paper what is going on in their head. If they insist that it is a one-step mental problem, have them explain their reasoning to you. I recommend treating this as a practical rather than a moral issue, although you will have to find your own balance on that question.

If you, as a parent, are rusty on Algebra, or perhaps never took it or never understood it the first time around, the ideal situation would be for you to take this as an opportunity to go back and be a student along with your child. (I recognize that real life tends to get in the way of the ideal situation.) Adults typically approach learning with more maturity than a child. You can be a role model of the learning process, even if it comes hard for you. If your child has to explain things to you, all the better. A little humility is good for the soul, and having to figure things out together will deepen the understanding for both of you.